"Il m'est difficile de partager trop de détails avec vous aujourd'hui mais il ne s'agit pas d'un simple remake. Si nous nous contentions de revoir simplement l'aspect technique en suivant scrupuleusement la trame initiale, la proposition ne présenterait pas grand intérêt. Cela ne satisferait personne puisque le jeu original est trop ancré dans nos mémoires. Si c'est un rehaussement graphique que vous recherchez, il vaut mieux vous intéresser au portage PS4 qui sortira en fin d'année. C'est lui qui collera le mieux au souvenir que vous avez de Final Fantasy VII".
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Molgue cast poupoute | 01/07/2015 à 17h30 |
Eléo | 01/07/2015 à 09h55 |
Patman a écrit :Eléo a écrit : Par contre je n'ai pas souvenir d'une scène où Cloud "tabasse" Aerith
A un moment Séphiroth prend le contrôle de Cloud pour s' emparer de la matéria noire, mais Aerith refuse de céder.
C' est vers la minute 22 sur cette vidéo :
Tron a écrit :Eléo a écrit : L'univers de FFVII est violent et sans pitié
L'univers de FF7 n'a rien de violent et sans pitié. Certains points abordés le sont (encore que ça reste assez superficiel), mais je ne peux que dire non à cette affirmation.
Tron | 01/07/2015 à 09h48 |
Eléo a écrit : L'univers de FFVII est violent et sans pitié
Patman | 30/06/2015 à 14h05 |
Eléo a écrit : Par contre je n'ai pas souvenir d'une scène où Cloud "tabasse" Aerith
Eléo | 30/06/2015 à 13h39 |
Patman a écrit : En gros l' histoire dans les grandes lignes ne changera pas.
Patman a écrit : Ce qui les inquiète c' est pas Rouge XIII en uniforme, c' est plutôt les scènes qui requièrent de toute évidence un changement de mise en scène. Par exemple les scènes de sexe plus ou moins explicite, ou la scène ou Cloud tabasse Aerith.
Patman a écrit : Il veulent aussi que les scènes qui concernent Zack, Vincent et Yuffie ne soient plus optionnelles.
Patman | 30/06/2015 à 12h14 |
I'll just tell you some of what I know then. Boring, long post coming.
So when planning began a long time ago, there were several issues. It's a big game, it's very important to Kitase, and obviously Nomura, and fans. There were other issues here, but we'll just skip to the game. You're going to remake this game. Now, people will say that since there's already a story, music, script, that a lot of the work is done. This is wrong. You have a starting point, but this is very much like building a new game. That takes a very long time.
Since there's a huge difference in technology, and this is the remake of a game that exists, you have to go through, and address everything. You have to get the scenes, and then decide what you're going to do with them. Some stuff is pretty clear, and it's mostly about presentation. For example, nothing major storywise is being changed. No one has to worry about that. Cloud is still a nutcase, Aeris is still going to die, Weapons are going to run rampant, the Lifestream, and pretty much every important story moment is going to be present. That's FF7. You can't change that. But because this is a new generation of technology, and it's a proper game, that alone brings changes from a design point of view.
Now you have a balancing act of lots of small things, and lots of major things. Kitase, I can assure you, is someone who is quite involved in making sure they try to stay as faithful as possible. He's someone who worried the most originally about this project, and he's also someone who's heavily involved right now. And the original writer is back with Nomura too, so it's a big thing.
Let's use examples:
They want to integrate Zack more, so how do you do it? In the original, it's very much an optional thing, but that's not as realistic now. You can flesh it out too, but in order to integrate it, it needs to be placed somewhere. This is a technically a script change, but it's not a bad thing. It also takes work.
Characters like Yuffie and Vincent which are optional need to be integrated.
How do you tackle the implied sex scene in this game? This is going to be in the game, but it's another presentation issue. How do you do it this time, over two decades later?
How do you tackle Cloud beating the hell out of Aeris? It was fine then, but this needs to be thought about. It's kind of an important story beat for his character because of what happens next, so do you want to change it? But at the same time, is it something you're comfortable leaving in, or should it be altered a little?
A lot of the side story stuff, can it be integrated better, or will some of it have to be cut?
They need to change up the Junon infiltration a little. Red XIII being in a suit isn't that big of a deal, but the ship aspect needs to be worked on now because you have a parade, which then leads to boarding the ship, and the big boss battle. This area and sequence has to be overhauled. It's a good amount of work.
Everything related to the story needs to be addressed within the confines of the new game, and the presentation of that new game on current technology. This means going through all of that, and seeing how to fit in the important things, what to flesh out, and what to alter. Basically, you're designing everything again. There's something to work with, but it's much like creating something new due to the work it actually involves.
Separate to that, there are a lot of other things. There are a lot of mini-games in FF7, notably the snowboarding game, and also the Chocobo breeding. With the former, it doesn't make as much sense to have it happen like that, so you need to integrate it all again, but at the same time, you can still leave something as a nod for fans. How do you do this? Is it possible to do that? Then there is also the case of some stuff being replaced, and maybe Nomura wanting to add other mini-games.
Basically, it's a lot of work. They have to prioritise major things with minor things, and as time goes on, they'll probably have to do it again depending on the development progress. This doesn't mean they can't show you anything this winter. Far from it. They're at a place right now, where they have a little to show, but it's a big game, and it's still in its infancy. It's not as simple as if they have something to show, then they're really ahead of the game. They're not rushing this.
It's important to all of them to remain as faithful as possible, but at the same time, create a new FF7 for a new generation of fans as well as old, and something which takes advantage of what is available today. This means design changes, execution changes, alterations etc. And because you're not just creating something new, and have to keep in mind a beloved game, the cuts you decide to make, or the changes you decide to do, have to be careful. As time goes on, and more work is done, there'll probably be other changes too. It's also important that the creators create something that they're pleased with because this is a project that's going to take a lot of their investment, time, and effort. It's unfair to not give them a chance to show you their new vision at least.
This game being announced right now isn't ideal. That wasn't the plan. This time last year, no one was thinking, "Hell yeah, let's announce FF7, and have fans wait a few years again! That's going to be great!"
But the problem is, PS4 isn't doing great in Japan. There are a bunch of issues, FFXV has taken longer than expected, and it's basically a crap situation to be in if I'm frank. So this announcement is there to build some faith, and also try to make people believe that there are a lot of big plans for the PS4. And there is a lot to come, but because of so many issues, it's taken time. Thankfully, since FFXV is around the corner, and KH3 is also progressing well, it's not that bad of a time really. Those games are coming soon, and this announcement happening now, as well as those games releasing should help fans believe more in companies trying their best to get content out there.
It also didn't help that FFXV had a bit of a negative shadow over it with people complaining last year when it was revealed Nomura has been removed, and then again recently when Tabata mentioned the changes. Now people know what Nomura is doing. There doesn't need to be doom and gloom over him leaving. He's busy, he's working on something. Leave him to it.
FFXV, also, can now be focused on as its own entity, and hopefully have people look at it as what it is rather than what they felt it could have been. And this game is actually coming soon, so there's something to be actually be excited for.
Eléo | 30/06/2015 à 09h44 |
Sly | 25/06/2015 à 16h38 |
Ijichikara | 23/06/2015 à 11h34 |
Sly a écrit : Sombre sombre sombre... A croire que les gens n'ont que ce mot-là à la bouche quand on parle de remake de FF7. Vous devez comprendre que ce n'est pas parce que FF7 était en SD et sur 32 bits qu'il n'était pas sombre. Et sombre ça veut dire quoi pour vous, que tout le jeu sera plongé dans la pénombre avec des cinématiques incroyablement pathos ?
Sly a écrit : Le réalisme, ce serait avoir des personnages qui vont aux toilettes, qui vont travailler, il n'y aurait pas d'élipse narrative, le rythme des dialogues serait comme dans la vie c'est-à-dire ennuyeux.
J' ai pas l' impression que ce qui les dérange ce soit le sexe ou la violence (après tout Tifa se fait légèrement défoncer sa gueule dans Advent Children), mais plutôt ...
... voilà. Il commençait son pavé en disant qu' ils ne peuvent pas se contenter de faire du copier/coller plan par plan avec des graphismes HD, ça ferait foutage de gueule. Il a donné un troisième exemple que je n' ai pas cité c' est la parade de Junon, qui ne contient pas de sexe et n' est pas particulièrement violente, mais par contre des soldats qui défilent avec un balai dans le cul elle en a un paquet. La quasi totalité des animations d' origine est bonne pour la poubelle.
De plus (et ça il ne le dit pas, en tout cas pas explicitement, c' est moi qui le dit) les cutscenes sont essentiellement à base de plans fixes, la caméra y bouge très peu. Mais maintenant que tout sera en 3D j' imagine qu' ils vont pas se priver pour dynamiser tout ça.