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Premier beta-test europ?en (Edit?e)
le 08/05/2004 à 16h33 par darktony666
Square-enix Europe a envoy? a? un "groupe de Fans" (en fait, a? toutes les personnes inscrites sur le site officiel de Square-enix Europe), un mail parlant de FFXI.

Il est mentionn? dans ce mail que maintenant que le serveur PlayOnline, qui comprend, entre autre, FFXI et le Tetra Master, est bien implant? en Am?rique du Nord, il est fort probable que ce serveur sorte en Europe.

Mais pour s'assurer de la qualit? du serveur, il est necessaire de faire des tests.

La premiere ?tape consiste a? exp?rimenter la capacit? de "communication" entre PlayOnline et les serveurs de FFXI par diff?rents ISP-Services europ?ens.

Pour pouvoir participer a? ce beta-test, il faut savoir lire et ?crire l'anglais et avoir au moins 13 ans.

Une adresse est indiqu?e dans le mail. On peut alors, avec un formulaire d'inscription, s'inscrire pour le beta-test. La date limite d'inscription est le lundi 17-05-04.

Ce mail a ?t? re?u par, seulement, un petit groupe de Fans de Square-enix. Meme si d'autres personnes ont re?u le mail d'un de leur ami qui l'a re?u de la "main" de Square-enix, Square-enix n'acceptera pas l'inscription. Seul le groupe de Fans pourra s'inscrire. Dommage.

Pour la peine, voici le mail

Par cons?quent, il est fort probable, maintenant, que FFXI sorte sur notre territoire.

Ma joie est grande car Square-enix Europe vient de m'envoyer le dit mail...Je vous en fais profiter.


Dear Square Enix Europe Fan,


As you may know, PlayOnline, Tetra Master and FINAL FANTASY XI have recently been released in North America and are now potentially on their way to Europe.

Bringing PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI to Europe will involve a great deal of testing to ensure the quality you’ve come to expect from Square Enix Europe titles. Our first step is to test the connectivity to the PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI servers through various ISP services across the European continent.

Square Enix Europe is interested in learning more about you as a possible participant in this limited closed beta test.

In order to qualify, you must be at least 13 years of age and be able to read and write English. Should you qualify and be interested in gaining a sneak peek at the North American FINAL FANTASY XI MMORPG while thoroughly testing your Internet connection, please visit:

(URL enlev?e)

To be considered for participation in the closed beta test programme, you must have completed and submitted the online application form no later than Monday, 17 May 2004.

This invitation is only extended to a select group of fans. Because of the private nature of this application, we ask that you do not forward this e-mail to anyone. Responses from anyone other than the addressed parties will not be accepted. In addition, please submit the application only once. Duplicate applications will be voided and disqualified from the closed beta test.

We hope you take part in this fun opportunity and look forward to your assistance in possibly bringing PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI to Europe.

Thank you for your support.

Square Enix Europe

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